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Human Right #27 For Songwriters, Performers And Musicians:

A not-for-profit corporation that addresses fundamental human rights abuses within the music industry.

1.      ERADICATION of documented abuses.

2.      FREE EDUCATION concerning essential human rights provided to every person dealing in the American music industry. This education is primarily intended for songwriters, musicians, producers, performers, as well as any other artist who creates intellectual products in music.  

Current Objective

Dismantling 2018’s “Music Modernization Act” is an important objective to restore full copyright protection for real in music. It’s a federal law that illegally permits streaming services to sell access to every conceivable music file anywhere—regardless of America’s long-standing copyright laws.

Mission Statement

A well-informed music community concerning human rights and freedom of speech. We hope to enable artists with enough fundamental information so as help them each to protect the moral and material interests of their musical creations, as well as to protect their personal and professional lives.


Human Rights Educational Resources

A unique education-based approach to music industry troubles for all those participating inside America’s music community.

Ending Abuse

A freer, more ethical approach to music sales will revitalize the economy by increasing earnings for everyone—not just a few well-placed companies. It starts with documenting theft and abuse, and next filing complaints.

Eradicating 2018’s “Music Modernization Act”

A one-sided piece of legal work was forced into law back in 2018. It pretends to authorize copyright fractures inside music. That’s how major streaming companies managed to sidestep more than 1000 lawsuits concerning theft of artistic recordings.

Join in a crusade to protect America’s music

End theft and abuse.

Read the Organization’s Mission Statement